Sunday, 28 January 2018

Thorn Bird

Celtic myth associates the European Goldfinch with the Title "Thornbird"
the story states a Goldfinch plucked a Thorn from Christ's Crown of Thorns, as a result the bird was spattered with blood on its feathers, the feather being a symbol of the Archer/Fletcher also 
used in Ancient Egypt as the counter weight to the judgment of the Heart, 
while Blood/Water mentioned in John is the Alchemy Wine Jar euphemism for the New Life process that is linked to Canna, Altars & Weddings. 
The Goldfinch appears in several acclaimed paintings including Da Vinci's Madonna Litta.

Australian author  Colleen McCullough hit the light in April 1977 with the publication of her book the Thornbirds. 

Picture wikipedia  Colleen McCullough's  Dead Wood Tree in pinkish soil roots, was Thorn-Birds  omnipresent counteract symbol of Aaron's budded Rod, the pinkish color is in harmony of Thorn-Bird starlet Meggie's coming of age Dress on the downwards stairway entrance to the Adults  party held for Meggie's super rich Aunt, Mary Carson at her ranch near Drogheda. 

The Thor-Bird  Book has a extensive collection of Bible related themes, diligently researched to create a masterpiece that plays on the conscious of our moral existence.

Out of All the names that Colleen had to chose from, the center of the Thorn bird epic was based in the imagery sheep station named Drogheda, located in a isolated part of Australia. Drogheda name is borrowed from a very ancient town in Ireland that sits on the mouth of the river Boyne, the name Drogheda in English means "Bridge of the Ford"  a crossing of the circles of time is associated with  Drogheda, around five miles West of Drogheda on the banks of the  river Boyne is the 5000 year old Megalithic  mound with standing stone columns entrance  that is aligned with the winter solstice, on a clear day from the 19th to the 23rd of December a shaft of light shines thru the top of the doorway illuminating the inside of the passageway, calibrating a scientific time calculator wonder, other time cycles including the 8 year circle of Venus where the planet makes a return to the same spot on the same day, researchers verify the 97 kerb stones around New-grange are time markers to help mark and gauge the Goddess Planet of Love,  hidden from time, New-grange was re-birthed  in 1669 nine years on from the Battles of the Boyne when local landowner Charles Campbell's farm hands raided some stones,  only to stumble upon the secret entrance to the "Brú na Bóinne" Tomb, the English translation gives us "The Palace of the Boyne" or the Biblical themed "Mansion of the Boyne" which leads us to Welsh-Scots  interpretation of Bru meaning Golden Womb, and Scots -French, Boinne gives us the the Pretty or Beautiful fire lady. 

Further insight to this area may be present in the name Boyne, meaning White Cow, many ancient religions of the world pay tribute to the bovine species, Europe continent  itself is  named after the Goddess Europa and is often represented by the White Cow.  

 Picture Wikipedia by Jean Francois de Troy 1679-1752
Half naked Europa with hand on the Horn sits upon a feminine pink sheet, Europa  is abducted by the White Bull which is a embodiment of Zeus/Jupiter, a cupid angel  pulls the flowery halter towards the water crossing, which may suggest a more Lovers angle than sheer lust, the water  itself  we understand is the element  used to wash away sins, both Jesus and John the Baptist, may be with their own guilty  transgressions showed  us they wished to atone for their offences, water immersion is a sign of crossover and a new time line that is often associated with death and recycle of pregnancy, Jean has inserted the Bible related theme of the three Ladies in distress at the foot of the tree-cross, in contrast with Colleen's dead End, Death tree trade mark, Jean shows a Ever green. Thanks to the gift from God the human tree survives, which in turn may give the answer towards Bovine meaning, Bo in Old  Irish & Scots Gaelic means Cow, also Bo was also used in  Old Norse, explanation "to Live" and vine, a plant often with wood stem that grows and when mature overhangs with its fruits, with in the name vine, it is made up of the letter number V  that answers to the chalice and Roman numeral Five/Pent the way- In  while the  e letter  with in vine is also  the fifth letter used in many alphabets including English and Latin, there for e also denotes Pent/the way, V and E value added together gives us X the In it together union male/female symbol of Ten/Jesus or Love, or Repent!!!

The Bull with in ancient times, was regarded as a fertility sign, the Sacrifice of Bulls at the Altar is a recurring theme with in the Bible writings, Exodus  29:36 KJV states....

And you shall offer a BULL Every Day as a Sin Offering for atonement. You Shall Cleanse the Altar when you make atonement for it, and you shall anoint it to sanctify it.

Baptist with Water cleanses our sin, Fire is also associated with passions, something we are reminded
when at the Altar.........Leviticus 6:13 KJV

A Fire shall always be burning on the Altar; It shall Never GO OUT!

The Lord's promise, where ever we have Men we also have Women.

Leviticus 1:4-9 KJV

Leviticus 1:4-9 King James Version (KJV)

4 And he shall put his hand upon the head of the burnt offering; and it shall be accepted for him to make atonement for him.
5 And he shall kill the bullock before the Lord: and the priests, Aaron's sons, shall bring the blood, and sprinkle the blood round about upon the altar that is by the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.
6 And he shall flay the burnt offering, and cut it into his pieces.
7 And the sons of Aaron the priest shall put fire upon the altar, and lay the wood in order upon the fire:
8 And the priests, Aaron's sons, shall lay the parts, the head, and the fat, in order upon the wood that is on the fire which is upon the altar:
9 But his inwards and his legs shall he wash in water: and the priest shall burn all on the altar, to be a burnt sacrifice, an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the Lord.

Modern day Home of Bull sacrifice is Spain, the Matador's task is to kill the Bull symbolically through the Heart  with the sword, called  the estoque, "that cue", from here in a way that arouses curiosity, Scots legal term esto is a word used to plead a alternative set of circumstances, the Matador's other aid is the Red Cape, with in the Bible the Red Cape is the power coat of Jesus considered by some to be related  to the one handed over by Elijah to Elisha, whom he found plowing the field that was pulled by twelve yoke Oxen, the process of the plough is turn over ground so it may be ready to plant new seed, together with the 12 Bovines whom represent the zodiac 365 circle, with the power cape Elisha was now our Earthly representation of new Fertility, for those whom believe that John the Baptist was the reincarnation of Elijah, a number of observers thru the ages consider Elisha, name meaning "My God is Salvation" to be the reincarnation of Jesus?

The name Matador is made up of two syllables the first Mata is used as a form of the name Matthew while dor has many meanings included is the Oak Door, which in Bible and Pagan context is related to fertility, following on from plowing and seeding follows  the door to new birth, the mirror of Dor is Rod, one of the name's used to describe Aaron's pole blossoming,  which ties him and us with the X commandments & the Golden Calf or flesh Calfs of Sin.

The New Testament heralds in more modern times,  leading disciple  of the NT writings was Matthew the Tax collector,  Matthew's name meaning is "Gift from God"  found in chapter 22:4   he informs us when "All Things are Ready"   the Bull sacrifice brings the customarily midday meal or evening six o clock direction South, the time when the long awaited return  promise  by a certain Queen.......... a time ready, when Tax has been paid, and the  "Gift from God"  presented......a time when  the  much anticipated  Bible Marriage may come.........

"Again, he sent forth other servants, saying, Tell them which are bidden, Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my Bull  and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready: come unto the marriage".

Picture Wikipedia  "First Dominion" Magdalene Tower found on Drogheda's nearest Hill  summit, Dominican Monks  helped build the structure, the Monks  where once the Guardians to the Tower and near by lands, the name Magdalene means Tower or Castle/Stronghold, today Drogheda's coat of arms is represented by a Castle, the name Mountain or Hill is the name meaning of Aaron, with in ancient thought the Hill is regarded as a sign of pregnancy.    

Today, the other half of the "even" whole of Jesus is ever present at Drogheda with the Love tower dedicated to Mary Magdalene, consecrated on  the Year 1224 by priest Luke Netterville, the date signifies on the Watch zero Hour or Double Hand pointer North, in the year 12-24 people living on both sides of the River Boyne  North and South,  whom had previously been at bitter odds with each other  where united by the influence of skilled peace negotiator Abbot Father Bennett, there is little doubt in  the Tower's blind love name  and Double Top eclipse year date  of building, that forces of divine nature  brought together grudging enemies, people from her Kingdom come's together to honor the "Daughter of Jerusalem" with in the scripture  the "Watch Tower of the Flock"-Herd prophecy is halted at the ford meeting place of Drogheda........  

Micah 4:4-8 King James Version (KJV)

4 But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the Lord of hosts hath spoken it.
5 For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of the Lord our God for ever and ever.
6 In that day, saith the Lord, will I assemble her that halteth, and I will gather her that is driven out, and her that I have afflicted;
7 And I will make her that halted a remnant, and her that was cast far off a strong nation: and the Lord shall reign over them in mount Zion from henceforth, even for ever.
8 And thou, O (zero) tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem.

Thornbirds story was set in the 55 year bridge time period from 1915 to 1969  the number 55 is Bible code number for Re-Pent, while the year 1969 famous for Peace loving free spirit Hippies, whom reached their climax  on the Goddess  inspired Moon landing mission between the 16th & 24th of July which eclipsed  the zenith of Bible  Rebel Lover Mary Magdalene  feast date the 22 of July.
 In the fixed stars of the dark side the polar opposite of the 7/22 pi cusp is the star named Altair, from where we get the word Altar, the place of  sacrifices or on the flip side the place of Union, Altair is the brightest star with in the constellation of Aquila, meaning Eagle,  which is one of the main symbol's of John the "beloved" 
Aquila also represents the full circle of the whole, as it is the 12th brightest star in the night sky

Friday, 5 January 2018

Messenger Joan of Arc Birth date Star Nunki & 6th of January 2018 Mars and Jupiter Conjunction

First of January 2018 night sky starts off with a full Super Wolf  Moon in the house of Cancer, the Moon's own House is in Cancer, the Moon in Pagan and Druid beliefs, among others is the feminine half of the whole,  observers thru the ages have noticed full moon's can bring a change in emotions, in particular are ladies whom are sensitive to the menses, often they are in tandem with the cycle of the moon. Wolf Moon gets its name when this time of the year the testosterone in Male wolfs surges in preparation for the breeding season, a time when Wolfs let their voices be heard. 

Meanwhile the 6th of January 2018   the  Shocking revelation on the theme of "Fire & Fury" literature  voice of  Micheal Wolff, has many people alerted to the state of mind of the World's most powerful leader?

With in the Heavenly year circle  Messenger Joan of Arc birth date 6th of January falls on the star named Nunki, the Nunki star  itself is part  of Sagittarius name meaning in Latin is Archer and has a stylized arrow as one of its main symbol's  Nunki star makes up part of the arrow stem near the Archer's hand.
Sagittarius half Man half Horse is a fire sign, which we associate passion, the equine energy takes its name from equal, Half & Half of the Whole that fuels our romantic emotions  coupled  together with the Bow and Arrow regarded as weapons of War and Death, while on the flip side a Bow and Arrow is used as a emblem of smitten Love,  the mounted Infantry right up to recent History was pivotal force towards overpowering the Enemy. 

The Horse along with a Arrow and deadly Fire are a trinity of reminders that evoke the spirit of  the short life of the young Female messenger. 

Astronomer Claudius Ptolemy 100-170 AD stated "the Stars at the point of the Arrow in Sagittarius have influence similar to that of Mars and the Moon,while those on the Bow at the grasp of the hand act like Jupiter and Mars"  Jupiter was the Chief God among the Romans the parallel of Zeus & Jove.  Jupiter held sway over Thunder and lightning while Mars whom was second only to Jupiter, was God of war and agriculture, fertility plays a vital role in both Gods worship, Mars and Jupiter on the whole seem to enjoy compatible friendship, which has parallels aspects in many areas of the interrelationship between Jesus and John the Baptist.  

The 6th of January the date of Epiphany, regarded by many as the 12th Night, 
Fire energy is subdued with the immersion of cold water, the epiphany festival is celebrated in commemoration of the manifestation of Christ towards the trinity of wise men from the East, the direction of East is 15:3 or 3:15 on the clock face it represents new birth, a time when the seed of the fishermen is 
harvested, Stub icon  John ch 21:1-14 states the harvest of fish brings with it the third appearance of Christ following his resurrection, with in the word Epiphany. is E is pent the way,  pip is time, of Pi & phany, stems from  Greek meaning "appearance" with in the institution spirit of pantomime season, phany is a appropriate misspelling, that aids believers from there to hear/here.  

Picture Wikipedia

With in the 365 day Circle of the fixed stars the 6th of January corresponds to the 7-8th of July which makes Joan of Arc's house of birth Capricorn represented with the Goat that has a fish tail, while on the far side the 7-8th of July transits thru the twins of Gemini, the inseparable twins are often portrayed as lovers, the Tarot Lovers card which is given the number six, is derived from Latin meaning  sex and is regarded as the messenger's  arrow calling date, on the love line below the constellation of Gemini is Monoceros taken from Greek language meaning Unicorn, illustrated  as a White Horse with mystical Horn......we are All descended form the Corn's Union Exchange, the Wolf connection is supplemented with Canis Major Constellation that lies on the 6th of January love line, when viewed from the Southern Hemisphere the Constellation above Canis Major is none other than PUPPIS the source of the English word puppy, where you find lovable adorable pups, we also get  PUP-PIS   the location of the "Poop Deck" is found at the backside of the ship that belonged to Jason and His 50 Argonauts. In Greek Mythology the "Argo" is the ship on which Jason and the Argonauts sailed from Iolcos to Colchis to retrieve the Golden Fleece.

Insight to this search may be found somewhat in the word Fleece, in the English alphabet letters, F is the sixth letter which gives us Six or South, while L is 12 or North, which returns us back to 6 and 12 numbers of Epiphany e takes the value of five added together ee  = X  ten or equally true X is one of the main symbols for Christ and Love, while ce is a very old European mark that is still in use today, that has a number of meanings that includes Seal and See the G-old =7 = Old Heaven/Sin. 

Once the Seal is open words start to reveal there own selection, for example, "Feel" based on  the same convert, is self selected, furthermore THE WORD FACE, may answer to F value of Six-South or even 30 if we consider the minute hour clock, the value of Judas disclosure, has its own Tale to Tell, while  Ace, gives us High Tops that returns us back to 12, the mirror of which  is 21 this number we associate Keys to our life's doorway, via the "Phantom Men-Ace", Star Wars seem to be "In" on the secrets as 1999 was their release date of P.M, the North-South mirror, that gives us One 666, as we  transcended pass the Third Day line seal mark,  from good authority of the scripts, we have now entered the time zone when the expected One may be able to show himself? 

 Jason's father was Aeson, whom was the rightful King of Iolcos, and was ousted from his throne by his half brother Pelias, his name meaning son of Poseidon. Poseidon was the Angry God of Sea and Earthquakes, and his main symbols being the Trident along with Soil,   Horses and Chariot, the Romans recognized Poseidon as Neptune, the brother of Jupiter.   Jason the rightful heir to Iolcos,  was raised by the Sagittarius Centaur named Cheiron, on the mountain named Pelion.  When Jason came of age he confronted his wicked uncle Pelias, and demanded his Iolcos seat of power return, the two men came to a agreement where Pelias would step down if Jason sailed to the distant land of Colchis and return with the Golden Fleece of the Ram.

 The Argo ship was named after her builder, Argus, the identity of Argus,
 Father shines some light on the dark journey quest,  he is recognized as Zeus-Jupiter-Jove.

The 50 Argonauts represent half of the 360 degree heavenly circle divided into equal 12 segments, that in turn house the Zodiac, with in the Bible, birthright keeper Jacob fights thru the Battle of Love & War under the the starry night sky, our Love partner is distinguished  as the Angel Phanuel, name meaning "Face of God"
John 6:46
"Not that anyone has seen the Father, except the One  who is God;  He has seen the Father "

 joined by the Hip our wrestling encounter, to produce offspring that is blessed, for believers they return to us via the SHip,  the letter S in roman numerals has the value of 7 the number that is repeated thru out our learning as the number of Sin & Heaven, which ties the Messenger Me -SS (in) Ger the name Ger is a circular tent with felt underlay used by Asian nomads often used as a makeshift family house when tending herds, while SS is the thunderbolt lightning strike needed to in fuse the ovum, the polar opposite of the Lovers act of Sin defiance, was the cold blooded approach of SS Storm Troopers, whom where highly trained German soldiers that first operated in WW1 and went forth to terrify and torture millions in WW 2  Star Wars creators adopted the Zeus Storm men, with their own distinct Helmet design, a noted feature of the German WW 2 Army might.
The under word of Argo is the name given to the large southern constellation consisting of four separate constellations.