X- of January Represents the passing of David Bowie
The Name Bowie has a number of meanings that include the Archer, the Bow and Arrow symbol are often used to represent the messenger.
1 John 1:5-6 NKJV
Fellowship with Him & One Another
This is the Message which we have heard from Him and declare to You,
that God is Light, and in Him there is No Darkness at All.
If we say we Have Fellowship with Him, and walk in Darkness,
we Lie and Do not practice the Truth.
Picture wikipedia
All seeing Eye in Darkness with in circle of Fire views All whom "Sleep" & Lie.
The Ring is the Symbol of Marriage, with in chivalry the Knee bend, is the veneration of Knights & Noblemen.
In the world of J.R.R. Tolkien the "Fellowship of the Ring" is the first title given to the trinity of volumes with in "The Lord of the Rings"
Picture wikipedia
Ship is the mode of transport that transports the Dead to Life-Reincarnation,
The bow is the forepart of the ship, to have "starboard" is the right hand side when facing forward, following conception as we grow in the bowel-womb the day arrives for our delivery, heavens gate opens with a date with in the 365 day star board circle.
Falling Low is net-ten result that often produces the Light of Lucifer, re-emerged from a period of darkness.
In Back to Front-Front to Back Esther Parallelism,the Fell-Low-Ship of the Ring is followed by "The Two Towers"
Picture wikipedia
World Trade Center Twin Towers, the Oldest Trade in the Bible was Adam's Love for Eve-Eve's Love for Adam,
since the first fire union of flesh in Genesis, Man has Fallen due to the allure of twin Calfs & Burning Bush Sin.
Picture wikipedia
Come what will, On the Third Day year of 2001 George W. Bush was a name patsy to the Milk & Honey field trap of Goshen, Genesis 45:9-10 in the plague of Darkness, a Great modern war inflamed the fringe of Susa & exploded with in the region of the Baby-lons, many tortured in hell like conditions & died for the Sold-iers cause of Duty, to defend the ancient right of power with in the Ishtar Gate Temple Holy of Holies district.
Ishtar's influence presides over Political Power, Combat & War, and being a Duality Goddess, Sex, Desire, Fertility, Beauty, & Love, Oppose each others Principals.
Soldiers from both sides may have lost the Great Heavenly Battle but the Darkness of War Victory over Love & Light shone in & outward from the fertile strip of Goshen.
2 Philippians (Lovers of Pi-iP & Ian's-John) 9-11
Therefore God also has Highly exalted Him and Given Him the Name
which is above Every Name, that at the Name of Jesus every Knee should Bow,
of those in Heaven, and of those in Earth, and of those under the Earth,and that
every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
and "The Return of the King"
picture wikipedia
X -Ten on front of the King's chest, unlocks the door to the King's jewels?
The Crossover fingers, is the Luc(k)ifer needed from source to bring us bundles of Joy & Light.
Messenger Bowie Fallen Day of Light was the 8th of January a day shared with in the ring of yearly time
with another King, and fellow musician Elvis Aaron Presley.
Picture wikipedia
In the Fellowship of the Light there is No Darkness.
2017 sees us 40 years in the Wilderness since the cross-over of the Heavenly Sweet Voice of the King,
could it be the preachers of the Faith are All ready cross-over with in the Light? If we practice the principals of "Belief in Everlasting Life", as foretold by John chapter 3 both Jesus and Elvis are the Songs of Song passion of Fell-Low Sin and have Sailed over Dark stormy Seas to be some day reunited with their Heart's Destiny?
The messenger Music man Bowie's last words........
"Music has given me 40 years of extraordinary experiences.
It has been my Door-Way of perception and the House I live In"
Picture wikipedia
Nunki lies with in the constellation of the HORSE & ARCHER MAN the name Sagittarius stems from Latin and means Archer which in turn gives us the relative Bowie, the Horse is sometimes called the "Beast" which implicates the Beast and Revelations
Nunki Star held with the forefinger and thumb/seal of the Messenger Arrow, "See".
With in the Heavenly circle of the Yearly time line, the star known as Nunki corresponds to the pass thru date of 8th of January. The name Nunki comes from the Chaldean distant past and means "Edict of the Sea" edict itself meaning, proclaimed by authority, or a order issued by a King or Lawgiver, the sister word of nunki is nuncio, meaning the Messenger, with in the art of word homeomorphism, Sea is converted into C the Roman numeral for 100 which gives raise to the Latin word Centum-mu the 12 letter with in the Greek alphabet has the value of wilderness number 40 points to zero time, our birth star alignment date-sent-out-of-tum. With in astrology practice the position of our birth stars has influence with our character and behaviour. Also if we value 12:00 midnight as New Year's Day with in the 100 % Cent calendar, 1 day has the the value of 3.65 days, thus the Third homeomorph Letter C has the approximate value that lies between day 7 and day 11 in January, which fits neatly into the Birth of the King and David Bowie, whom blows our minds with the "Black Star" - "Star Man" singer's crossing, which links the Centaur 100% circle and the Golden spirit Aura with Sagittarius,
Furthermore the word nunki along with ate-eat or the homophone eight forms the basis of the enlarged word annunciate meaning to proclaim or announce to the public, which appends Luke 1 26:38 Bible incarnation by the Angel Gabriel whom predicts the Birth of Jesus
Nunki lies with in the constellation of the HORSE & ARCHER MAN the name Sagittarius stems from Latin and means Archer or the Bowie, the Horse is sometimes called the "Beast" which implicates the Beast and Revelations.
Heavenly star window viewed on the 10th of January.............the cardinal opposite date of the 10th of January is the 12th of July, celebrated as the Orange order day, in the world of duality Orange/Gold/light color being the highest point, the mirror is Blue or Black reflecting the feelings of Darkness & Depression
! ! 10th of January 2016 Dark star Date is twinned with the Gemini polarity & Canis Major & Minor constellations confirming a double date state of awareness, sandwiched between the Two set of twins
is the Constellation of Monoceros, the Unicorn, a White horse beast with horn protruding from its forehead.
The fabled Unicorn is one of the main heraldic symbols of Scotland that dates back to around 12th century, the person acclaimed to be the inception of the Unicorn constellation was the legendary Scottish astrologer, mathematician & wizard Michael Scott 1175-1232 whom studied at Oxford & Paris when his knowledge became acclaimed the Vatican along with Frederick II (1194-1250 whom held the titles King of Germany, Italy & Burgundy as well as the King of Jerusalem(1225-1228) where in pursuit of his clairvoyant insights, said to hail from Balwearie near Kirkcaldy Fife, Michael is also associated with Aikwood Tower near Selkirk, there is a element of unofficial theorism from some whom believe in John's Ch 3 verse 3 "born again Truths" which Jesus himself foretold, could it be, that the Wizard of Aikwood may have been the reincarnation of Merlin himself, the thread spin wheel of evidence takes us to the trial of Messenger Joan of Arc whom was questioned on the Merlin prophecy, where "a Maid would emerge from the Oak wood & cure our wounds", Aik is the old Scot's for Oak.
Picture wikipedia Scottish Painter John Duncan's 1866-1945 Riders of Sidhe
Fellowship of the Ring Romancers & Biblical prophecy, captured with four Horses adored in finery, two of which have Unicorn type masks, takes us back to a time before the Union of the Scottish & English Crowns 1707 the Scottish Coat of Arms had two white Unicorns, while a third Dark Horse in the far corner with out a horn is partially hidden, the mask hides the identity, yet the rider has a hair style bob that takes us back to the middle ages, the rider carries a sword, held near twelve-noon angle, distinguish as one of history's most famed swords, hidden behind the Altar at the Church of St Catherine, Fier Bois, English meaning "Proud wood" the sword being emblem for the Male reproduction organs, a subtle innuendo, with the power to heal, we may be getting closer to Oak woods hidden rider, the fact the Duncan has included a prominent Arc emanating from the rider's body prompts us to take a closer look at what John is trying to insinuate........with the sword comes the shield, it may be logical that the Shield represents the feminine half of the sword, JD in his main emblem shield design has went for back to back quarter moons, in Celtic symbolism the Waxing Crescent moon is the Maiden, while the Waning Crescent moon is the Crone, just above the two Moons on the shield is a Triske-lion Celtic style spiral, this type of design sometimes with human legs is found in the Isle of Man & Isle of Sicily coat of arms and is regarded as a Male fertility symbol, amongst others, the three legs is brazenly displayed by the chalk Cerne Abbas Giant in Dorset.
The four young ladies on saddle & one standing, whom would suggest is almost gossamer, to perhaps imply the illusive Holy Ghost of the trinity..........it may be viewed as a tad of disrespect, but in less i am missing something, We can not have a Son & Father, with out the Obvious, above her head she has the the corneous horn of plenty, with small bird perhaps the Golden finch, regarded as the nest builder that furnishes its home with the seed of Thistles, the national plant of Scotland, that is coupled with the Rabbi's Crown of Briars of Sin, above the finch is the sacred Arch Doorway, with the aid of wikipedia & Bible reference Song of Solomon 3:6-11 "Solomon's Wedding Day"
We can tie the Royal Arch Purple & a Date with Destiny..............wikipedia states........ "Royal Arch Purple is a organisation related to the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland, it is a Higher Degree of initiation with in the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland" whom's principal date is the 12 of July, a small flash of light in the center of the dark shadow, is metaphor for death & re-seed, in order for us to "believe" we all have to come thru the water door, TO HAVE EVER LASTING LIFE, the ladies have went to great lengths to have their hair looking styled, fresh & pristine, they are dressed for a date at the Altar
1 John 1:5-6 NKJV
Fellowship with Him & One Another
This is the Message which we have heard from Him and declare to You,
that God is Light, and in Him there is No Darkness at All.
If we say we Have Fellowship with Him, and walk in Darkness,
we Lie and Do not practice the Truth.
Picture wikipedia
All seeing Eye in Darkness with in circle of Fire views All whom "Sleep" & Lie.
The Ring is the Symbol of Marriage, with in chivalry the Knee bend, is the veneration of Knights & Noblemen.
In the world of J.R.R. Tolkien the "Fellowship of the Ring" is the first title given to the trinity of volumes with in "The Lord of the Rings"
Picture wikipedia
Ship is the mode of transport that transports the Dead to Life-Reincarnation,
The bow is the forepart of the ship, to have "starboard" is the right hand side when facing forward, following conception as we grow in the bowel-womb the day arrives for our delivery, heavens gate opens with a date with in the 365 day star board circle.
Falling Low is net-ten result that often produces the Light of Lucifer, re-emerged from a period of darkness.
In Back to Front-Front to Back Esther Parallelism,the Fell-Low-Ship of the Ring is followed by "The Two Towers"
Picture wikipedia
World Trade Center Twin Towers, the Oldest Trade in the Bible was Adam's Love for Eve-Eve's Love for Adam,
since the first fire union of flesh in Genesis, Man has Fallen due to the allure of twin Calfs & Burning Bush Sin.
Picture wikipedia
Come what will, On the Third Day year of 2001 George W. Bush was a name patsy to the Milk & Honey field trap of Goshen, Genesis 45:9-10 in the plague of Darkness, a Great modern war inflamed the fringe of Susa & exploded with in the region of the Baby-lons, many tortured in hell like conditions & died for the Sold-iers cause of Duty, to defend the ancient right of power with in the Ishtar Gate Temple Holy of Holies district.
Ishtar's influence presides over Political Power, Combat & War, and being a Duality Goddess, Sex, Desire, Fertility, Beauty, & Love, Oppose each others Principals.
Soldiers from both sides may have lost the Great Heavenly Battle but the Darkness of War Victory over Love & Light shone in & outward from the fertile strip of Goshen.
2 Philippians (Lovers of Pi-iP & Ian's-John) 9-11
Therefore God also has Highly exalted Him and Given Him the Name
which is above Every Name, that at the Name of Jesus every Knee should Bow,
of those in Heaven, and of those in Earth, and of those under the Earth,and that
every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
and "The Return of the King"
picture wikipedia
X -Ten on front of the King's chest, unlocks the door to the King's jewels?
The Crossover fingers, is the Luc(k)ifer needed from source to bring us bundles of Joy & Light.
Messenger Bowie Fallen Day of Light was the 8th of January a day shared with in the ring of yearly time
with another King, and fellow musician Elvis Aaron Presley.
Picture wikipedia
In the Fellowship of the Light there is No Darkness.
2017 sees us 40 years in the Wilderness since the cross-over of the Heavenly Sweet Voice of the King,
could it be the preachers of the Faith are All ready cross-over with in the Light? If we practice the principals of "Belief in Everlasting Life", as foretold by John chapter 3 both Jesus and Elvis are the Songs of Song passion of Fell-Low Sin and have Sailed over Dark stormy Seas to be some day reunited with their Heart's Destiny?
The messenger Music man Bowie's last words........
"Music has given me 40 years of extraordinary experiences.
It has been my Door-Way of perception and the House I live In"
Picture wikipedia
Nunki lies with in the constellation of the HORSE & ARCHER MAN the name Sagittarius stems from Latin and means Archer which in turn gives us the relative Bowie, the Horse is sometimes called the "Beast" which implicates the Beast and Revelations
Nunki Star held with the forefinger and thumb/seal of the Messenger Arrow, "See".
With in the Heavenly circle of the Yearly time line, the star known as Nunki corresponds to the pass thru date of 8th of January. The name Nunki comes from the Chaldean distant past and means "Edict of the Sea" edict itself meaning, proclaimed by authority, or a order issued by a King or Lawgiver, the sister word of nunki is nuncio, meaning the Messenger, with in the art of word homeomorphism, Sea is converted into C the Roman numeral for 100 which gives raise to the Latin word Centum-mu the 12 letter with in the Greek alphabet has the value of wilderness number 40 points to zero time, our birth star alignment date-sent-out-of-tum. With in astrology practice the position of our birth stars has influence with our character and behaviour. Also if we value 12:00 midnight as New Year's Day with in the 100 % Cent calendar, 1 day has the the value of 3.65 days, thus the Third homeomorph Letter C has the approximate value that lies between day 7 and day 11 in January, which fits neatly into the Birth of the King and David Bowie, whom blows our minds with the "Black Star" - "Star Man" singer's crossing, which links the Centaur 100% circle and the Golden spirit Aura with Sagittarius,
Furthermore the word nunki along with ate-eat or the homophone eight forms the basis of the enlarged word annunciate meaning to proclaim or announce to the public, which appends Luke 1 26:38 Bible incarnation by the Angel Gabriel whom predicts the Birth of Jesus
Nunki lies with in the constellation of the HORSE & ARCHER MAN the name Sagittarius stems from Latin and means Archer or the Bowie, the Horse is sometimes called the "Beast" which implicates the Beast and Revelations.
Heavenly star window viewed on the 10th of January.............the cardinal opposite date of the 10th of January is the 12th of July, celebrated as the Orange order day, in the world of duality Orange/Gold/light color being the highest point, the mirror is Blue or Black reflecting the feelings of Darkness & Depression
! ! 10th of January 2016 Dark star Date is twinned with the Gemini polarity & Canis Major & Minor constellations confirming a double date state of awareness, sandwiched between the Two set of twins
is the Constellation of Monoceros, the Unicorn, a White horse beast with horn protruding from its forehead.
The fabled Unicorn is one of the main heraldic symbols of Scotland that dates back to around 12th century, the person acclaimed to be the inception of the Unicorn constellation was the legendary Scottish astrologer, mathematician & wizard Michael Scott 1175-1232 whom studied at Oxford & Paris when his knowledge became acclaimed the Vatican along with Frederick II (1194-1250 whom held the titles King of Germany, Italy & Burgundy as well as the King of Jerusalem(1225-1228) where in pursuit of his clairvoyant insights, said to hail from Balwearie near Kirkcaldy Fife, Michael is also associated with Aikwood Tower near Selkirk, there is a element of unofficial theorism from some whom believe in John's Ch 3 verse 3 "born again Truths" which Jesus himself foretold, could it be, that the Wizard of Aikwood may have been the reincarnation of Merlin himself, the thread spin wheel of evidence takes us to the trial of Messenger Joan of Arc whom was questioned on the Merlin prophecy, where "a Maid would emerge from the Oak wood & cure our wounds", Aik is the old Scot's for Oak.
Picture wikipedia Scottish Painter John Duncan's 1866-1945 Riders of Sidhe
Fellowship of the Ring Romancers & Biblical prophecy, captured with four Horses adored in finery, two of which have Unicorn type masks, takes us back to a time before the Union of the Scottish & English Crowns 1707 the Scottish Coat of Arms had two white Unicorns, while a third Dark Horse in the far corner with out a horn is partially hidden, the mask hides the identity, yet the rider has a hair style bob that takes us back to the middle ages, the rider carries a sword, held near twelve-noon angle, distinguish as one of history's most famed swords, hidden behind the Altar at the Church of St Catherine, Fier Bois, English meaning "Proud wood" the sword being emblem for the Male reproduction organs, a subtle innuendo, with the power to heal, we may be getting closer to Oak woods hidden rider, the fact the Duncan has included a prominent Arc emanating from the rider's body prompts us to take a closer look at what John is trying to insinuate........with the sword comes the shield, it may be logical that the Shield represents the feminine half of the sword, JD in his main emblem shield design has went for back to back quarter moons, in Celtic symbolism the Waxing Crescent moon is the Maiden, while the Waning Crescent moon is the Crone, just above the two Moons on the shield is a Triske-lion Celtic style spiral, this type of design sometimes with human legs is found in the Isle of Man & Isle of Sicily coat of arms and is regarded as a Male fertility symbol, amongst others, the three legs is brazenly displayed by the chalk Cerne Abbas Giant in Dorset.
The four young ladies on saddle & one standing, whom would suggest is almost gossamer, to perhaps imply the illusive Holy Ghost of the trinity..........it may be viewed as a tad of disrespect, but in less i am missing something, We can not have a Son & Father, with out the Obvious, above her head she has the the corneous horn of plenty, with small bird perhaps the Golden finch, regarded as the nest builder that furnishes its home with the seed of Thistles, the national plant of Scotland, that is coupled with the Rabbi's Crown of Briars of Sin, above the finch is the sacred Arch Doorway, with the aid of wikipedia & Bible reference Song of Solomon 3:6-11 "Solomon's Wedding Day"
6 Who is this coming out of the wilderness
Like pillars of smoke,
Perfumed with myrrh and frankincense,
With all the merchant’s fragrant powders?
7 Behold, it is Solomon’s couch/Love seat),
With sixty/(12-noon) valiant soldiers around it,
Of the valiant of Israel.
8 They all hold swords,
Being expert in War/(Love)
Every man has his Sword on his thigh/("Oh La La"!!)
Because of fear in the night/(secure in the Sweet-Heart bosom of motherhood)
Like pillars of smoke,
Perfumed with myrrh and frankincense,
With all the merchant’s fragrant powders?
7 Behold, it is Solomon’s couch/Love seat),
With sixty/(12-noon) valiant soldiers around it,
Of the valiant of Israel.
8 They all hold swords,
Being expert in War/(Love)
Every man has his Sword on his thigh/("Oh La La"!!)
Because of fear in the night/(secure in the Sweet-Heart bosom of motherhood)
9 Of/(In) the wood of Lebanon
Solomon the King
Made himself a palanquin/(Love nest)
10 He made its pillars of Silver,
Its support of Gold,
Its seat of Purple,(Royal marriage color)
Its interior paved with Love
By the daughters of Jerusalem.
Picture Wikipedia On the year Hitler went to War with the "Enemy".......... in the Brother hood Ring & Stable of Lamassu, John Duncan Gives his own Achilles evaluation of the 1939 "Force & Reason"
11 Go forth, O daughters of Zion,
And see King Solomon with the Crown
With which his mother Crowned him
On the day of his Wedding,
The day of the gladness of his Heart.
Solomon the King
Made himself a palanquin/(Love nest)
10 He made its pillars of Silver,
Its support of Gold,
Its seat of Purple,(Royal marriage color)
Its interior paved with Love
By the daughters of Jerusalem.
Picture Wikipedia On the year Hitler went to War with the "Enemy".......... in the Brother hood Ring & Stable of Lamassu, John Duncan Gives his own Achilles evaluation of the 1939 "Force & Reason"
11 Go forth, O daughters of Zion,
And see King Solomon with the Crown
With which his mother Crowned him
On the day of his Wedding,
The day of the gladness of his Heart.
We can tie the Royal Arch Purple & a Date with Destiny..............wikipedia states........ "Royal Arch Purple is a organisation related to the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland, it is a Higher Degree of initiation with in the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland" whom's principal date is the 12 of July, a small flash of light in the center of the dark shadow, is metaphor for death & re-seed, in order for us to "believe" we all have to come thru the water door, TO HAVE EVER LASTING LIFE, the ladies have went to great lengths to have their hair looking styled, fresh & pristine, they are dressed for a date at the Altar